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    Ashiana Manufacturing India Ltd.

    Increases 12.9% Market Share

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At Ashiana, we excel as one of the largest manufacturers of Turbo TMT Bars ranging from 8mm to 32mm in diameter coming in FE-415, Fe-500, Fe-550 grades, by the name of 'Kamdhenu Saria', a ready beckoner in trust & strength in Indian construction Industry, thus making a preferable choice among the builders. These bars are manufactured at our state-of-art plant located in Bhiwadi, Rajasthan, under the expert guidance and supervision of frontline engineers and metallurgists. Our extensive experience in steel sector has empowered us with the capability TMT steel bars of the unbeatable quality and standard.



ASHIANA KAMDHENU TMT is guaranteed for not being heavy and comes with a section weight that is lower than the nominal, which reduces the quantity of steel consumed by 10% to 20% without compromising on strength

Pcs per Bundle

Estimate Weight or Number of

Bar Diameter (mm) Bundle Length(ft) * No of pcs. Weight/Meter(Kgs) *Weight of Bundle(Kgs)
8mm 36/40 20-18 0.375-0.405 86/86
10mm 36/40 15-13 0.585-0.405 99/95
12mm 36/40 10-9 0.860-0.910 97/97
16mm 40/42 05 1.530-1.600 95/100
20mm 40/44 03 2.420-2.500 90/99
25mm 40/44 01 3.775-3.855 47/51

* Number of Pcs & weight of bundles may be differ from state to state

Chemical Compositions

S.No. Content IS: 1786-85 Ashiana Kamdhenu TMT
1 Carbon (Max) 0.30% 0.17 to 0.24%
2 Sulphur (Max) 0.060% 0.045%
3 Phosphorous (Max) 0.060% 0.045%
4 S+P (Max) 0.110% 0.090%
5 Carbon Equivalent (Max) 0.42% 0.38%

Physical Properties (Fe-415)

S.No. Tests IS: 1786-85 Ashiana Kamdhenu TMT
1 0.2 % proof stress (Min) 415 N/mm2 450 N/mm2
2 Elongation (Min) 14.50% 20.0%
3 Tensile Strength (Min) 10% more than 0.2% proof stress but not less then 485N/mm2 of good quality saria 10% more than 0.2% proof stress but not less then 530N/mm2 of good quality saria

Mechanical Properties As per IS:1786-85(Grade Fe415)

Tests BIS Standard Ashiana Kamdhenu Standard
0.2% Proof stress (Min) 415.0 N/mm2 450 N/mm2
Tensile Strength(Min) 485 N/mm2 530 N/mm2
% Elongation (Min) 14.5% 20.0%
Bend Test Upto & Incl. 22 mm3d Satisfies Bend Test on 2d & 3d
Over 22 mm 4d
Re-Bend Test Upto & Incl. 10 mm 5d Satisfies Bend Test on 4d & 5d
Over 20 mm 6d

Company News

Ashiana Manufacturing India Ltd. an ISO 9001:2013 Company was established in the year 1992 with the primary aim of manufacturing high-tech & high value-added steel for domestic construction, engineering, automotive & infrastructure sectors. The Company has earned its reputation & name in the market by offering unmatched strength & quality of steel to add dimensions to various spheres.

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